Paul Stanley
Live to Win

Release date: October 25th 2006
Label: Universal Music Company

Universal (Denmark)


Modern Hard Rock

Rating: 91/100
Cover artwork rating: 30/100
Reviewed by: Peter Laursen
Date: November 3rd 2006

In 2004 Gene Simmons from KISS released a solo-album called “Asshole” (his second by the way) which was a huge disappointment in my book. Now, 2 years after it’s time for his partner in crime Paul Stanley for his second solo-album. Stanley’s first one was released back in 1978 and was filled with Melodic Heavy Rock and Melodic Hard Rock, this time he has taken the Modern Hard Rock direction.

I can’t say that I’m a huge fan of Modern Hard Rock… to be honest… I hate it. I hate the music, I hate the way they sing… they sound like they are on some kind of drugs… sorry but I usually don’t like it. But this album took me by surprise… and my expectations wasn’t that high. About the Modern way of singing… I’m glad that he is not overdoing it… there is only a hint of “Modern singing” and the same goes for the music, only a hint of Modern Hard Rock.

Mr. Stanley has written catchy tunes for more than 33 years and he is still in top form. The first time I threw it in my hard tried CD-player I wasn’t that thrilled, but after a few spins, the album totally grew on me. I found myself humming the songs while I was walking in the streets; - I realized I loved this album very much. One first class Melodic Hard Rock song after another is what Mr. Stanley provides us.

It’s very hard for me to name any highlights because all of the 10 songs are very good in my humble opinion. Don’t let the name Paul Stanley or KISS scare you away because the music here on “Live to Win” is very different from what you are used to from KISS.

The production done by Paul Stanley himself is also first class and if you’re into catchy Melodic Rock and Hard Rock you should do yourself a favour and check this album out.