the background footage on the accompanying DVD indicates, the guys in
Deicide are not necessarily the sharpest knives in the drawer. Luckily
for Gen Benton and his cohorts, they’ve managed to place themselves
neatly on a shelve where they are the undisputed Christ bashing kings. The
overall message on “Scars Of The Crucifix” is the same as it has
been since the band was formed in 1987: God and Christ are pussies,
their followers are lower than shit. Whether
you agree with this subtle mantra or not, Deicide says it with
conviction, and this time a trifle more efficiently than on the last
offering, “In Torment In Hell” from 2001. Deicide’s
music hasn’t changed much over the years, and perhaps that’s why
you notice that Brian and Eric Hoffmann have put more effort into
creating blast-soli that are actually well-worth noting, most notably
on the title track and the oriental touch of the solo in “The
Pentecostal”. Steve
Asheim’s treatment of the drums is as always impeccable – the man
is definitely in the same league as Danny Herrera (Napalm Death), Pete
Sandoval (Morbid Angel) and Raymond Herrera (Fear Factory). |