Dark Seed

Rating: 15/100

Reviewed by: Kenn Jensen, December ‘04
Massacre Records
Style: German Gothic Metal

Ultimate Darkness

Dark Seed starts their biography on the info-sheet like this: "History shows that German Gothic metal ins't the most exciting sound you can listen to" - can't say I disagree with them on this statement, and in their case, I must say they are so right!

There is a few very good gothic metal bands around, this one certainly isn't one of them, with an awful vocalist, who's biggest asset is the ability to switch back and forth between singing in German and English, but I can't say I like his vocals one bit.

Not a single tracks stands out, the production is also mediocre at best, only thing I like about this album is the bands cool logo, but you don't really buy an album based on that! Sure they are all good musicians, but if you can't write interesting songs, then everthing else is a lost case.

I would rather listen to Paradise Lost's "Host" again ... and believe me that is not a compliment!

Recommended tracks : Not really on this album ...

Link: www.darkseed.com
Other reviewers thought: Thomas Nielsen 70/100