At the end of 2003 looking back this CD will without a doubt stand out as one the best debut albums of the Year - mark my word! I will place this CD along other great progressive metal debut albums like Pain Of Salvation's "Entropia", Dream Theater's "When Dream And Day Unite" and Psychotic Waltz's "A Social Grace" - just an indication of how magnificient this CD really is! This is classical progressive metal inspired by bands like Dream Theater and Pain Of Salvation without ever being a clone. This album simply smokes all the way, no weak spots here, from the excellent production by Jacob Hansen, through 12 brilliant songs played by 4 very talented musicians and topped with a great vocalist, makes this CD an early contender for the album of the Year. Just check out tracks like: "Full Moon", "Kosmunauten Er Død" (a bit of sick Danish humour here...) or the in 4 part divided titletrack - all classical progressive metal masterpieces. Yet again DVS Records have served us a complete dish of excellent metal and the artwork done by Mattias Norén (Star One, Evergrey) is equally excellent. Highly recommended to all progressive metal fans! |