It's a big problem when the coolest thing by far about an album is the cover and the bass intro of one song. US blackened thrashers The Day Of The Beast's 'Relentless Demonic
Intrusion' belong to that category.
I've been looking deep into this to find something special, something new, something unpredictable, something that stands out and makes me go 'wow, that's cool'. I can't find it save the bass intro for The Paralyzed Hand. The intro for the band's theme song, The Day Of The Beast, isn't half bad either, but in the end, the tune turns into a Deicide/Kreator hybrid of sorts with no real impact. Generally, the intros for the individual songs work well enough for The Day Of The Beast, whereas the rest of the songs leave room for improvement and real weight.
Not an instant classic in my book as you might have reckoned by now. Recommended for those who can live only with blackened thrash with death metal elements.