Not a lot of you will remember this Dutch band, you have to be at least a rather old death metal freak and one that followed the underground scene. On this album you will find the 91 and 92 demos of this band.
I went to the attic and indeed on a dusty shelf
I found the 92 demo-tape. A black front with a blood red logo. Songs 4 till 8 are on it in a slightly different order. That promo tape was recorded in Franky's Recordingkitchen and produced by the band. The most known musician in the band was
the late Asphyx singer Theo Loomans (RIP). With his brutal and sick vocals he grunts everything to pieces. We always talk about the sickening sound of Martin van Drunen, but Theo was at least second to none. The music on both demos is in Asphyx, Immolation and Sinister style. Sometimes sounding a bit chaotic, but even for today's standards it sounds nice.
This record is a nice homage to Theo and both demos are good enough to be re-released.