After 2 albums with Drowning Pool, he is back; singer Ryan Mc Combs. During his
absence the band Soil has recorded 2 good albums with AJ Cavalier on vocals. In
2010 drummer Tom Schofield also left the band, so now the band exists of 3
members only; Tim King on bass, Adam Zadel on guitar and Mc Combs.
Despite that, the music didn't change a lot. Groovy rock is still what they
serve. Mc Combs vocals stick to the music like glue and there isn't a bad song
on the album. The drums on this album were well performed by Wil Hunt (Black
Label Society, Evanescence a.o.). It isn't easy to pick out the best tracks on
this album, but one I want to mention is the track "Amalgamation". Not only one
of the best tracks because of the music, but also because of the lyrics. Song
titles from both the Soil and Drowning Pool releases can be traced in the
lyrics. Fans of both bands can start a competition of how many they can find.
Like the other albums of the band Soil, you will not find lot new original
ideas; they just do what they are best at: performing groovy hard rocking songs!