Band leader and main song
writer Morten Veland has outdone himself on this new Sirenia album;
everything has taken at least a step ahead. And he isn't the only one: Ailyn
feels and sounds like an integrated part of the well oiled machine, and she has
improved a lot over the years. Her vocal performance is the one the key factors
why this album is their best to date.
After a short intro the
album is blown wide open with a song that represents everything Sirenia
is about; strong guitar riffs, epic choirs, symphonic orchestration and a dark
underlying atmosphere. And the impressive songs don't stop there, stop and take
a listen to the 2 songs in Morten's native language Norwegian: "Ditt Endelikt"
("Your Demise") and "Stille Kom Døden" ("Quiet
Came Death"),
where they take their style to another level.
"Perils of the Deep Blue" is
without a doubt their best, most mature and versatile album to date; they take
us into untested territory with ease and pass the test with flying colors.
Maybe not an instant classic, but at least a very, very good album!