If you had hoped for a return to the 'Roots' era because of producer Ross Robinson your hope is in vain. With Derrick Green the band will never musically return to those days. This new album is a logical follow up to 'Kairos'. This time a long title and if you are into
philosophic lyrics, you do surely have something to dive into with this new album.
This 13th album is probably one of the heaviest and most aggressive one to date. Does that make it an extraordinary album? No, sometimes the vocals of Green are to over the top and there are some songs that are just not good enough for a band
by the name Sepultura. In between there is a lot to like for sure, I especially like the Slayer riffs in several songs. Just listen to "Impending Doom" where these influences lay on top. Another trademark, their tribal
rhythms, also come along in several songs and that makes this album again a typical Sepultura album.
Although I don't like the album from start to finish, heavy thrash songs like "Manipulation of Tragedy", "Obsessed" (with Dave Lombardo) or
the opener "Trauma of War" are a real pleasure, but that can't compensate for
inferior tracks like "Grief" and "Da Lama Ao Caos" completely.