The fifth album of the band with members from Germany, Romania and the Netherlands. Vocalist Atilla Dorn studied classical opera and Dutch drummer Roel van Helden studied at the
academy of music. The brothers Matthew and Charles Greywolf are the founders of the band and Falk Maria completes the line-up.
For some the music will be too
much and over the top power metal, but personally I think this is how power metal should sound like. Double bass drums, sing-a-long
refrains and beautiful orchestral parts. The opera sounding vocals, the use of
organs and the excellent production make this a top product. Especially live
this band will get the crowd going. The songs on this album are all about 4 minutes long, but
they are very contagious and have all the same high level.
The tempo of the songs is rather high and the refrains of "Amen & Attack", "In the Name of God" and "Lust for Blood" will be
screamed along with by the fans immediately. The church organ in "Kreuzfeuer", the bombast of a track like "Cardinal Sin" makes this a real Powerwolf album. Only the last track "Last of the Living Dead" is a more epic one. Howling Wolves, massive choir singing, the opera singing style and the use of church bells see to that. Fans will be pleased by this new album and fans of Sabaton for example will like this also. The new album is the fastest of the band to date and with rather short tracks;
it doesn't get boring, even for a moment. This is an excellent album to listen to when you are suffering from a big depression, if this will not help you to feel better, no shrink can help you either.