Savatage, Docter Butcher, Jon Oliva's Pain and TSO, (almost) everything Mr. Oliva did
has a standard of first quality. Sure, not everything turned into gold, but as soon as Oliva starts to sing you get triggered. More than 30 years after founding Savatage, Jon
has released his first solo album.
On this album he combines Prog-Rock in seventies style with orchestral parts, so don't expect real heavy stuff. "Raise the Curtain" is an almost instrumental track with nice played organs in 70's style, combined with TSO parts. "Soul Chaser" is a song with Jon Lord kind of keys and with brass instruments. Every song on this album has something, and the singing of Oliva
is still impressive. Just listen to "Ten Years" or the ballads "Soldier" and "Can't Get Away", you can hear the emotions. Besides that, the guitar parts and soli are excellent and perhaps the reason for that is that Jon
has used some music from his late brother Criss again?
Jon Oliva made an album that is Oliva from start to finish, although metal freaks will not have much
fun with it. Personally I'm a bigger fan of his heavier stuff too, but this icon deserves nothing but respect for creating such an album. His love for 70's prog rock is the base for this album and by adding his own style and beautiful emotional vocals he
has made a real Jon Oliva album.