Young Danish metal crew
Meridian is like so many other new bands trying to build a bridge between
heavy metal, power metal and thrash metal, a genre bands like Avenged Sevenfold
and Disturbed remain the frontrunners of. This ends up being a fine brew with
bands like Metallica, Artillery, Sabaton and Iron Maiden rearing their ugly
heads occasionally.
"Metallurgy" is by all means
a fine debut album, well played and produced, and the style is appreciated by
many metal fans these days, so I am sure they'll be noticed. The band has been
together for some time and has released 2 EPs prior to this debut album, and
it's clear that we are dealing with gifted musicians, who know their trade. The
songs are well written and performed, so all in all a fine start.
But I do fear that they
might drown in the massive release flow, simply because nothing sets them apart
for the masses. But do give these 5 guys from Esbjerg a chance; this is not half