This is the fifth
album by Austrian death/grindcore band Mastic Scum. Every album has a 4 letter word title (No, not yet one named F*ck). After 'ZERO', 'SCAR', 'MIND' and 2009 album 'DUST', here is 'CTRL'.
In 2009 colleague Peter Laursen rewarded their 'DUST' album with 88 points. Well, as you can see above, I am a little bit less enthusiastic, but nevertheless a nice score if you ask me. From the first till the last song you here a mix of death metal, grindcore, a little hardcore influences and industrial parts. Blast beats, grooving riffs and industrial sounds bring variety into their music. If you can imagine a mix of Napalm Death with Fear Factory, you are very close. On top of that the production is very good and if Tue Madsen is
responsible for the mastering, so that part can't be wrong either. The vocals are harsh/grunting ones with an occasional scream like in "Perceptive Illusion". Another part that helps to make this a good album is that the band wrote songs with a certain groove and not just
up-tempo from start to finish.
Fans of their 2009 album will like this one also, but they have to reckon with
(and accept) some more industrial (read Fear Factory) elements in the music.