Massdistraction is a Swedish band founded in 2007. Since then they
have worked hard on writing songs and playing live. The recordings of this debut album 'Follow the Rats' started
in late 2011. In August 2012 it was ready and released in Sweden and now follows the rest of Europe.
The first tunes of "Headgrenade" give me immediately the information that the rating will be
positive. The sandpaper voice of Miikjal G. Hansen, the sound of the drums and the riffs are what you expect from a decent thrash
metal combo. The band combines old school thrash metal with a bit modern elements, and singing in Lamb of God style like on "Walking the Earth". The riffs,
rhythms and melodies show that Testament, Exodus and Metallica have to be big
sources of inspiration. Everything on this album matches with what good thrash
metal should be. Nevertheless I can't give them more than an average rating. Why not? Because there are so many thrash
metal bands at the moment that play at the same kind of level and Massdistraction just doesn't have the songs that stick out, above the mowing field. After playing the entire album, I don't remember a singing line or riff I want to hear again because it was so neat or special. For a debut album this is good and I
am sure think there will be a second album.
There is nothing that will keep this band from being more
successful and with a good second album in which they show a bit more a face of their own, they will get there.