This is thrash
metal hailing from Germany and 'In Hell' is their third album to date. There is nothing wrong with this album, the band mixes typical German (Teutonic) thrash
metal (think Destruction, Sodom, Kreator) with Bay Area melodic pieces and a kind of NWOBHM influence.
You can't accuse them from being a copy of any known thrash
metal band, but yet it all sounds very familiar. The songs are well written and the production of the album is heavy. If you are into thrash
metal this certainly is an album you'd like, the galopping riffs in "This One Step" will put a smile on your face.
Will the band increase their popularity with this album? I don't know. With new albums of Death Angel, Onslaught and Izegrim this month's competition is tough and
it's almost impossible to win.
Nevertheless, it is a good album!