thrash combo Gama Bomb has just made their fourth album. There are no big musical differences
from their 2009 album 'Tales from the Grave in Space'. With funny lyrics about science fiction, horror, comic books and Nintendo,
and I still don't know whether or not I can take them serious.
Their music however is o.k. Their crossover thrash is heavily influenced by early Anthrax, M.O.D. Nuclear Assault and S.O.D. The songs are in speed metal tempo like always and Domo Dixon plays some very good solos. A funny thing is the Sabra Dance part in the track "Terrorscope". Together with Municiple Waste they form
the spearhead of today's crossover thrash bands. You love this style or you hate it. The humor, the speed, the tight playing and the sing-along refrains
stay the same and to me this is an above average album.
Personally I
am a bit more into the heavier and meaner thrash, but once in a while music like this is a welcome variety.