This rocks! Fat guitars,
groovy rock tracks and a vocalist that has the right
tone and rasp in the throat.
It tastes very much as an American barbeque hard
The German band 'Fair Warning' has made a mega
strong album with 'Sundancer'. After more than
twenty years in the rock business and six studio
albums and three live productions under their belt,
their new album 'Sundancer' is a magical and tasteful
fourteen tracks disc, created to entertain all the
classic hard rock/AOR fans!
Tommy Heart on vocals sounds better than ever and
with a strong opening track 'Troubled Love' it's
very easy for me to write nice stuff. And when 'Keep
it in the Dark' fills my worn ears, my heart
starts to hammer in my chest. Superb guitars,
splendid vocals, very tasty and well built
rock-songs packed in a great production, what more
can you desire?
The clean, melodic rock is maybe to
simple for many metal fans, but if you like band like
Jaded Heart, Bonfire, Gotthard, Harem Scarem or
Tesla you will surely like this. The long track list
contains both smooth ballads and stiffer up-tempo
rock songs and everything is made at a high
quality level .I've been listening to 'Sundancer' over and
over again and I'm sold. This is good.
Really good. One of the best melodic hard rock
albums this year (so far).
My thumb is up and this is an album to play loud as
hell this summer!
A given purchase.
Tommy Heart - Vocals
Helge Engelke - Guitar
Ule Ritgen - Bass
CC Behrens -Drums