It was only last month the new Tormented that made my Swedish death metal heart beat faster, this month it is the new Entrails. After the first note they convinced me. This third album of the (of course) Swedish band can be situated in between Entombed, Grave, Carnage and Dismember's first albums. It grooves, has the typical Swedish guitar sound and of course the typical D-beat. It will not be a surprise for you that Dan Swanö
has taken care of the mix and the mastering. He even added some vocals to the song "Death League", also Jörgen Sandström (Krux, The Project Hate MCMXCIX, ex-Entombed), Kam Lee (Bone Gnawer, ex-Massacre) and Rogga Johansson (Paganizer, Ribspreader, Bone Gnawer) grunts
on some parts.
If you take a look at the logo of the band, it even looks a bit like the Entombed logo. Like I already said, most of the songs are in Entombed tradition and
they all sound great. Besides that a song like "Bloodhammer" has some riffs and
tempi that could have been written by a band like Asphyx, while other tracks like "Defleshed" lean more towards Grave. I hear you think that there is
(again) no originality on this album and that is correct, but this music is executed so well and all the songs are strong, so who needs it?
The only thing I am not happy about is that I already used my final sentence for this review in the Tormented review... What I wrote there counts even more for this album. A typical case of: he has shot his bolt.