With a new singer Eden's Curse releases their fourth album. Besides new vocalist Nikola Mijic there is also a new keyboarder on board, Steve Williams (ex Powerquest). The new members didn't have a lot of influence on the music. Paul Logue and Thorsten Koehne
do still have the biggest influence on the song writing I suppose. The members hail from several different countries and exchange their musical ideas through the internet.
Mijic is a good vocalist and the keys are filled in very well. Opener "Symphony of Sin" is a very orchestral and
grotesque song and with songs like "Evil & Divine" or "Unbreakable" (sounds like a melodic Edguy track) they show that they
can still write very catchy almost poppy songs with great melodies. If you need an idea what sort of music you can expect, you should imagine a mix of Whitesnake, Royal Hunt, Journey, Stratovarius and Pink Cream
69. New singer Mijic has a slight different singing style than his predecessor, he sounds more like a power metal singer. The most aggressive track on the album is "Devil in
Disguise", with a more raw singing style and a furious guitar solo towards the end. The production of Paul Logue and the mastering and mixing by Dennis Ward gives the album an excellent sound.
Despite some
member changes, this new album is at least as good as their 2011 album "Trinity". Personally I like the singing style of new man Mijic better, therefore a slightly higher rating than in 2011.