After 3 EP's this Dutch band
is finally releases their full-length debut album. Every time I hear new music from this band, they have matured and developed their style. What also helps is that the sound (production) on every album is better. Most of the tracks are new, although the first song "The Blood of Millions" was already on their EP 'Exit Reality'.
The biggest difference
from the earlier albums is that there are a lot more faster parts on this album and more variety. On the other hand their original combination of death, doom, black, progressive and 70's rock music stayed and
has flourished. A lot of albums I listen to are rather easy to review, because big parts
sounds very much a-like an other rather known band. The music of Dimaeon however isn't easy to compare with other bands.
Staccato riffs go hand in hand with progressive parts, Hammond sounding synths, growling and grunting vocals, jazzy pieces, melodic parts and this all with an ongoing drive. Like I already said, the tempo in several songs is much higher than what we are used from their earlier work. But there is
also more groove, like for example in the songs "Cascade" and "Black Dawn".
If you thought that melo-death/doom couldn't develop any further I advice you to listen to this album. This isn't yet another Opeth-sounding weak extract, but just Dimaeon! There isn't a band I know that sounds like them and that makes them unique!. If you are a death, doom or progressive metal/rock fan (that doesn't hate grunts..), I advice you to check them out because it might work for you like it worked
out for me.