Melodic death metal from Gothenburg and I hear you think: oh dear another one.... That's what I thought at first, but after the intro I
was impressed immediately and flabbergasted by the first song "Point Zero Solution". Mighty keyboards, sometimes reminding of Septic Flesh accompanies the heavy song and the aggressive vocals of Olle Ekman finishes it off.
Finally again a band that knows how to combine melody and death metal without sounding too cheesy or commercial. In my opinion Deals Death found the perfect balance on this album. You can compare it with what Mercenary accomplished on their best album "11 Dreams". A big difference
from that album is that there are no clean singing parts to be heard here, which
automatically sees to it that it sounds heavier. If you want to see something
funny, just look at YouTube for Olle Ekman with the subject death metal exercises.
The sound on the album is rather majestic and bombastic due to the mighty keyboard parts and this time I never get the idea that it is overdone. Mix Mercenary with Septic Flesh and you get something like Deals Death. For melodic death metal fans who think that Soilwork, In Flames and Mercenary have become a little too soft, this will be a pleasant surprise.