The follow up to their album 'Poseidon' is called 'Post Mortem Nihil Est' and again a step ahead in their development.
The first song has some Fear Factory kind of parts and that is an influence that can be
heard in several songs. Besides the growls and grunts Shawter uses his clean voice too. A track like "I, Reptile" sounds more plain death metal and a band like Bolt Thrower isn't far away there. The songs are all rather well written, but there isn't a song that really tops
the others. The use of soundscapes and a certain groove makes several songs very interesting. The harmonic choruses see to it that besides that it sounds very heavy, there is a certain accessible part in their music. The lyrics have the
Armageddon as a subject, but I think that this album will not be the end for the band. This album is another step forward in creating an style
of their own. Logan Mader took care of the production and it all sounds very mature.
Certainly an album that will be liked by many.