With a new rhythm section filled by drummer Rikard Stjernquist (ex-Jag Panzer) and Aric Avina (ex-Tynator) on bass the fourth album called 'Obey' is a fact. The band with front woman Veronica Freeman behind the microphone and Pete Wells on guitar is a pure blood heavy metal band and on this album that is not different. Craig Goldy, who discovered the band, has a less prominent role this time, only the lingering track "Die
to Love You" is written by him.
The music is mid-tempo most of the time and the rough sandpapered vocals of Veronica are again a feast for the ears. Sounding still like the younger sister of Chastain's Leather Leone she puts a stamp on the bands sound. In "Cry" she sings a duet with Tony Martin and to keep you focused the tempo
on a track like "Apex Nation" (hello Priest) accelerates. Besides the heavy guitar riffs, they've added some slight orchestral parts and Jeff Pilson is not only
responsible for the production, but also for the subtle keyboards also. With piano parts, baladesk pieces and even a slight gothic influence in epic song "Retrogade" there is enough variety to enjoy here. The only thing you could comment
on is perhaps the rather common guitar riffs in the songs, but the variety of the
separate tracks make you forget that.
If this band is going to play somewhere in my
neighborhood, I'm sure of going to see them and not only because of Veronica (I heard you thinking...) A good album!