This is the third album
by this German band. I'm not a real expert in black metal, but there are actually some parts on this album I appreciate. Again the vocals is a matter of taste and that is really not mine, but the music on this album isn't bad.
Sometimes very fast, but also slower parts leaning towards doom can be
heard here. Listening closer I discovered that the guitar parts are very melodic and another outstanding part is the bass, it sounds very
rhythmic and contagious. At times the music of this band reminded me of the Dutch band Onheil. Some songs could have lasted a bit
shorter, because if you write a song over 11 minutes long it must be a very good one
if you don't want the listen to get bored after a while.
In Germany this black metal album will certainly find its way to the lovers, but
is this album good enough to do the same in the rest of Europe...? Hardcore black metal fans should take a listen and decide for themselves, because
like I already said.... it is not really my cup of tea.