Does the name Sal Abruscato ring a bell? He took care of the drums on Type O Negatives 'Bloody Kisses' and Life Of Agony's 'River Runs Red'. He is the initiator behind this
band: A Pale Horse Named Death.
On this album he takes care of the guitars and vocals. Their debut 'And Hell Will Follow Me' wasn't a very strong album, but fortunately this new one is a lot better. If you are into Type O Negative and Alice in Chains then this is really something for you. The slow guitar riffs are in Type O Negative style and the vocals
sound a lot like those of Layne Stainley (RIP). The lyrics are dark and negative about drugs, death and murder. This all together makes it a very dark album, but with nice melodies. Slow riffs in Black Sabbath style, some sludge influences combined with keyboards Type O Negative style, that is what you get.
You can describe the music as a slow and heavy Alice in Chains. Perhaps not completely original, but for fans of the bands I
mentioned a very good record.