This is the third album of this Cypriote power metal band. I rated their 2010 album "Tales of Tragedy" with 70 points and I hoped that this album would be better. Unfortunately I have to conclude that this third album is more of the same. Instead of taking steps forward they didn't move and as you all know, standing still is declining.
Like the last album the man behind the production buttons was again R.D. Liapakis (Mystic Prophecy). You will not hear me say anything bad about the sound of the album, but it's more the average songs and vocals that don't make this album a really good one. George Charalambous is an average singer and doesn't have the capacity, reach and power to be more than that. It all sounds a bit flat.
Because there are so many epic/symphonic sounding power metal bands, you have to write songs that stick and do not get boring after a while. When I listen to the complete album, I don't have the urge to put it on immediately again. It's all a little too flat and the songs are not interesting enough. Nevertheless, the musicianship is good and the guitar solos of Harry Pari make several songs interesting, but in the end that is not enough for me. If you are a fan of epic power metal with symphonic influences you can certainly find lots of nice stuff, but compared to their second album they didn't develop enough and therefore my rating is a bit lower.