Eins, Zwei,
Drei, Vier - The Very End is here, that is the first sentence of the first song.
Sounds a bit childish, but fortunately the music sounds more mature. Like on the
first two albums the music is for the biggest part a mix of thrash and power
metal. Especially the first two tracks give me a kind of early Metallica
The fast
thrash with harsh vocals is varied by clean singing parts and in the beginning I
had to get used to that. After a few spins however I must admit that it sees to
the necessary variety. Besides the old school thrash sound, other influences
like groove, Scandinavian melo-thrash, hardrock and even death metal can be
heard. This death metal influence is because of the guest performance of
Entombed singer Lars Göran Petrov in the track "The Black Fix".
After the
first 4 tracks I loose my attention, the track "Mealstrom Calling" is not
interesting enough. Fortunately the track "Sixes and Nines" is again a bit
heavier and puts me back in the saddle. At times the band reminds me of Grip
Inc. too and the melodic guitar parts have some Testament in them too. Enough
variety on this album, but for some reason I don't get overly exited. For a part
that is because of Björn GooBes voice, his aggressive screaming vocals aren't
variable enough. In the end, this is not a bad album at all, but just not a real
hammer either.