Soulspell Metal Opera is a Brazilian Heavy Metal project conceived by drummer Heleno Vale. The design is bit the same like the Avantasia and Ayreon projects. Songs written by Heleno and recorded with a big list of guest musicians. Most known singers that appear on this album are: Tim "Ripper" Owens, Blaze Bailey, Michael Vescera, Amanda Somerville, Mario Patore and Tito Falaschi.
But there are at least ten other guest singers who participate on the album.
Besides that about 15 musicians from several bands are responsible for the music, amongst other; Markus Grosskopf, Rollie Feldman, Fabio Laguna and Frank Tischer.
Good musicians and singers however are not an insurance for a good album. It all depends on the songwriting and arrangements. The music style on this album is epic power metal with opera sounding parts, sometimes progressive, sometimes rather heavy and with clean, gritty and even growling vocals. Amanda has a rather big part and her angelic singing in between the heavy music parts sounds very mature. The songs are rather well written, the musicians (a lot from Brazilian soil)
are very skilled and the variation on the album is big. There are no negative
points, so this is an album that will perfectly suit between your Avantasia albums.
With the new album of Pastore, the Brazilians (with a little help) show (again) that there is a lot more to
discover other than coffee and football players.