Two musicians that gained experience in the regional scene around Dortmund in 2011 decided to join efforts in the field of thrash metal. In such a way starts the history of SOLEMN STATEMENT. They record their debut EP “God Whispers”.
The program track starts with minor acoustic introduction and suddenly turns into a fast tempo storm. The death/ trash guitars, the vocals and the drum programming have a serious northern influence. Brutal thrash into the Scandinavian traditions – wall of sound instead of riffs has replaced the initial plans of Sven and Patrik. The minor middle-tempo hymn “Perception” carries the music to the achievements of MORGOTH in “Odium” (1993). The death metal ballad “Empty Space” is performed in more a manner closer to rock. It reminds of plenty of German anti-commercial bands and it seems to be an echo from the previous projects of the band members. I will mention them – TODESENGEL, PURITY (D), P.A.I.N. MANAGEMENT. The song “Voice from the Other Side” closes the circle of death/brutal thrash stylistics.
The boys are searching for a bass player and a drummer to turn SOLEMN STATEMENT in a full-blooded band. In “God Whispers” the drums that are programmed replace the accents of the riffs and the guitars are more death metal than thrash. The Scandinavian influences did not suffocate the typical German sound of the songs – the acoustic passages, the clearly articulated aggressive vocals and the emphasized minor sound that has even a folk tinge. There are more questions than determinism in this release. But it is a pleasure to listen to it! Give it a try!