I'm not really into the hardcore/punk crossover scene, but bands like DRI, Gang Green, Nuclear Assault, Suicidal Tendencies and Biohazard
are band I always been able to appreciate. Also bands like Rancid, Zebrahead and our own Dutch de Heideroosjes have my blessings. This Canadian crossover/melodic punk band is new to me. I have read their name several times, but never listened to any music of theirs. I was really surprised to read that they
have been a part of the scene for 30 years! This is their sixth album and I hear that they must have a metal background somewhere.
For me, not being a typical hardcore fan, this is an album that really impresses. The lyrics are rather political and well
over thought, but what's most important is the music. After a rather melodic start with the song "Note to Self", an almost metal track "Failed States" throws me back in my chair. Fast and furious riffs, almost in Death Angel style carry that song. They ignore the usual hardcore break-downs on this album and that makes them different from a lot of colleagues. "Rattan Cane" is a fast and short track with a kind of Nuclear Assault aggression in it, but with more melody. If you want to know how real crossover should sound like you should listen to "Hadron
Collision", in this track, Nuclear Assault meets Metallica and S.O.D. Next track is again very fast and the metal riffs
are combined perfectly with the typical rather clean hardcore singing style.
I didn't hear an album this year where thrash riffs, hardcore and melodic punk are so well balanced. If there is one band that can take over the crossover ship, it has to be this
Canadian band Propagandhi. Recommended to both Hardcore/Punk and Metal fans.