The ones familiar with the band know what to expect, and that is exactly what the band serve. Like the song titles, the music is again rather complex. Head of the pack Karl Sanders changes his members as often like a harlot changes her underwear, but that doesn't change the band's style.
The album is again full of Egyptian stories and influences. Songs with complex rhythms and angry growls are the majority. Fast soli and obstinate riffs form the base of the songs. For the variety there are two short instrumental tracks with native Egyptian influences called "Slaves of Xul"
and "Ethno-Musicological Cannibalism". Also the mid-tempo pieces in a few songs
like "When Wrath is Done", "The Gods Who Light Up the Sky at the Gate of Sethu" and the last track are a welcome change.
Final conclusion is that Nile stuck to their trusted style and that fans of the band
will be satisfied. An album with no surprises, but with well executed complex fast death metal.