What do Asphyx, Legion of the Damned, AC/DC, Status Quo and Mordax have in common? They all know that keeping music rather simple is sometimes the key to success. A good song, a nice riff, good arrangements
and a nice groove is sometimes more important than showing how skilled you are.
Mordax has been
together for a year and a half now and I have to say that I wouldn't have
guessed that. They sound like a well oiled machine already. These Danes play a groovy thrash style with catchy riffs and an aggressive singing style. The only thing that I have with this album is that I get a little bored after six or seven songs. A little bit more variation in singing
would help out for me. Most of the tracks are between up and mid tempo and that doesn't help either. The instrumental track "Contrapasso" however did make me wake-up again and made me think about a band with the name Metallica (do I hear a "For Whom the Bell Tolls" riff at he end of the song?).
Nevertheless not a bad album, but the band has to take a little step with the next album to really get on top. Nice first birth of this band and I'm sure we will hear a lot more from them in the years ahead.