Hunter is an album less progressive than the previous albums by Mastodon,
let that be stated from the start. In fact I was a bit disappointed after the
first spin of this album. An album I had been looking very much forward to.
Initially I simply thought the album to be too light weight and simple. And yes,
The Hunter is a lot more accessible than the two albums preceding it but that
does not take away any of any quality of the music. The musicianship is
excellent and there are a lot of very fine details on the album that only reveal
themselves after some time.
something on the progressive side The Hunter instead has even more stoner
vibe on a lot of the tracks. Something that leads the mind in the direction of
Queens of the Stone Age; not a bad thing either. In absence of the long
progressive compositions we also find some very fine rockers like “Curl of the
As always,
a new Mastodon album brings forth a new side of the band. Some will like it,
some wont. For my part I can only say that this album is a grower and it is
highly recommended. If you liked Leviathan I am sure you will dig The
Hunter as well.