When I saw H.E.A.T
the first time on stage it was as the opening attraction to Toto in 2008 in
my home town and I was overwhelmed and fascinated by their energy and young, hungry and fresh melodic rock. They swept the nation with the self-titled debut album same year. When the front man and dynamic vocalist Kenny Leckremo left the band many question
were raised in the rock media, but when the Swedish Idol winner Erik Grönwall was recruited to the band, I was convinced that the future was secured. Erik who won the TV competition with many strong hard rock performances, owns a awesome voice that fits HEAT's AOR-rock almost even better than the great Kenny did. After several spins of 'Address
the Nation' I'm proud to being a Swedish Rock fan. This is timeless 80's rock music and at the same time fresh and clean as the sun in the springtime...
This is one of the best AOR albums that a yellow and blue rock group have released in many, many years. All the 10 tracks
are power songs with a super tight production from Tobias Lindell and the disc is smacked with catchy, well
build and maybe I must say little more mature melodies than on earlier albums. They had the pressure to make a record that had to be in top class and they
have delivered. This will absolutely be something that will spin on my summer party's, that's a promise. With this album in the backpack, they have everything loaded for a worldwide breakthrough. A definite MUST buy album if you are a fan of AOR / melodic rock!!
H.E.A.T: Erik Grönwall (Vocals), Jona Tee(Keyboards), Eric Rivers (Guitar), Dave Dalone (Guitar, Jimmy Jay (Bass)
and Crash (Drums).