A small movement of pure instrumental rock bands has arisen over the past few
years in Germany, and Frames is to me the cream of the crop. I know most
people would pick Long Distance Calling over them in most cases, but to me this
is the band that deserves the attention.
They have managed something LDC haven't; to get my attention throughout an
entire album! The fundamental melancholic feeling the songs portrays is
captivating and grabs your attention throughout the ten song presented. The
atmospheric songs are versatile and innovative, and I must admit my scepticism
beforehand was quickly swept away by Frames.
But mind you, this is still an instrumental album, with the exception of a few
spoken words parts, and surely not for anyone. But listen to it with an open
mind, take the time to fully appreciate the structures and sounds, and this
might just be the instrumental album you need to buy this year...