Their 1986 album 'Possessed by Fire' was an album that gave them a kind of cult status. Although they never got the same polarity like Destruction and Kreator, they were one of the better German thrash combo's back then.
After the first notes of this album you hear
the recognizable riffs, leads, solo's and tempi. Exodus and Slayer are the two bands they are influenced by for the biggest part, but Death Angel, Testament and the modern Destruction can be added too. The guitar solo's in the first track "Fire & Damnation" are typical Slayer but for some reason
it doesn't irritate me for not being original. The thrash they serve is tight like an ants ass and the pleasure the members have in playing this stuff can
easily be heard. Another reason is that they are not just one of the NWOT bands, they
do already have their roots in the eighties and don't just copy a style that is popular at the moment. It all sounds very professional and the production is great.
This is a nice
record to own, if you want a thrash grenade from start to finish and take the lack of originality for granted.