Another thrash band that knows how to play decent standard thrash. This debut album
by these Germans has almost everything a good thrash album needs. Inspired by the tons of thrash bands that put this style on the map in the eighties, they succeed in playing good songs.
Early Kreator,
Destruction mixed with Bay Area influences. Sometimes you hear something by Sepultura, then Slayer, then Testament or Exodus, but always with a German old school thrash sound. Originality can not be
heard on this album, but when executed well, who cares? The only thing that makes me frown is the sound of the drums, especially the sound of the toms sound a bit hollow and dry in my opinion. Lenny B. spits
out the lyrics straight in our face in the aggressive way we are used to in this genre. I have no idea if these youngsters can play themselves into the forefront of the crowded thrash market. But...
One thing is for sure; they walk the walk and talk the talk.