stoner ferment of which is the genesis of BISON B.C. left a strong influence in
the first track of the new album of the Canadian quartet. We can hear the
admiration to BLACK SABBATH with pre-exposed psychedelic elements. Not letting
out the psychedelic doom metal fiber the band continues this adventure with
heavy guitar sound and rhythm diversification. It seems that the boys carefully
lead us to the moment when they demonstrate their music expression.
compositions follow in which there are lots of all components of sludge metal.
Hysteric vocals reproduce pain. Hard riffs are pouring down a drone padding
while melting gently stoner melodies. The guitars express with no doubt the
techniques of Tony Iommy and in their development they achieve decisions which
remind of CATHEDRAL. But eclectics of the sludge metal weave the diverse
components in a unique mixture. This is a bacchanalia of the neurosis in a music
form. The combination of psychedelic tradition and contemporary contra point of
the narcotic disease in the fast „Clozapine Dream“ crowns the fierce efforts of
the contemporary musician! After that BISON B.C. as they carefully introduced to
us the opening of the album, let us out from their loaded with information music
with a final song. It is more conventual’s composition and could be compared
with some songs of TROUBLE.
It is not
by sudden that Metal Blade believed in BISON B.C. yet with the appearance
of their first EP!
demonstrates the maturing of the band with no changes of their style.
Their new songs are more
completed as compositions and they could be characterized with braver
And quite in a
Canadian manner the nucleus of their expressive music is ’packed’ in carefully
chosen and presented songs.