If I'm not mistaken this is the band's ninth album. Maybe it's just me, but in my opinion the band never topped their 2002 album 'Only Human'. That is not because they didn't make
any good songs and records after that, but more because of everything they did after that sounds a bit the same. The neo-classical melodic hard rock/metal, which sometimes reminds of Yngwie/Whitesnake returns on every album. There are no surprises anymore and on this new album
it's the same.
Again we get well written
and well arranged songs. A mix of melodic power metal tracks, neo- classical pieces and ballads. Singer Rick Altzi is a good singer and he does a good job again and Olaf Lenk's musical performance
is like always outstanding.
For At Vance fans an excellent album they can buy without hesitation. For me the formula At Vance uses on every album has worked out a bit. Their songs are still nice to listen to, but I miss new adventures and challenges. If I play their 2009 album 'Ride the Sky' or this new one, the difference between them is marginal.