We all know Andre from Angra and Shaman, but this is already his third solo album. In my opinion he
hasn't reached the same level in song-writing on his solo albums yet. On the new album the songs are stronger than on both
of his earlier albums, but still not strong enough to compete with his former bands.
Together with Hugo Mariutti he wrote the songs and there
is not a bad track on this album, except for the ballad "Gaza" perhaps. The vocals are o.k on that song, but the song doesn't have anything exiting
in it. The first 3 songs are melodic power metal tracks, that could have sounded a bit heavier in my opinion, but fans of Andre's will like them for sure. After the ballad "Gaza" the AOR track "Stop!" continues. Especially the choruses are quite AOR a-like. Next track "On Your Own" is a more progressive song with a nice guitar solo. Meanwhile I loose my attention a bit, sometimes I
get the idea that it just sounds a little flawless. The vocals of Andre are not
enough up-front in the mix and through that they sound a little less impressive.
Like I already said the riffs could have been a bit heavier too and there are
too many soft parts on the album. Near the end the song "Light-Years" wakes you up again, this is the heaviest track on the album and reminds
me of Angra. The album ends with a ballad called "Sometimes", like the other ballad on the album I'm not impressed.
For fans of Andre this is an album they surely will like, but I rather listen to some Angra and Shaman songs instead.