This is a Norwegian band with Daniel "Peisy" Olaisen known from the death metal band BloodRedThrone. He formed this band in 2004 because of his passion for groove metal. They already recorded an album in 2007 ('Dead On Arrival') on their own label and it was re-released worldwide in February 2010 on German Rockline Records. This album was released by their own label Ozo Records and is now picked up for world-wide release.
The band plays groovy thrash in the vein of Pantera; you could actually say that they are a kind of musical clone. The biggest difference is the use of some strange sounding vocals. It is aggressive like the way Pantera used to do it, but Leo Mora uses clean vocals too and produces some strange vocal noises. In the info they call it crazy sounds and that is a good description. The music grooves and moves and the songs are rather strong. If you like Pantera you will certainly have to pay attention to this release. Take a listen and decide if you like this Pantera-like music with some new elements.
Not a bad release for the genre.