Matured, is the key word for this third Warbringer album. Their debut "War
without End" was a nice thrash album, but the band was still searching for an
own identity. The somewhat childish cover artwork and lyrics showed a hungry
band with potential and pleasure in what they were doing, but it was all
influenced a lot by their 'bigger' and older genre brothers. With 'Walking into
Nightmare' they took a step forward and with this new album 'Worlds Torn
Asunder' they delivered an adult product.
artwork was done by Dan Seagrave is one of the things that shows us that they
mean business this time. On their debut all songs were fast from start to
finish, but on this new record they turn down the tempo in several songs
("Savagery" for example) to make them sound more heavy. The songs are still a
musical mix of Exodus and Sacrifice but they added some modern Destruction into
the mix as well. The only thing that can stand in the way for them to become one
of the most popular bands of the new wave of thrash is that they still sound a
lot like their big brothers. The singing style of John Kevill and the usual
guitar riffs constantly give you the idea that you have heard it all before. The
execution and production of the album is superb, and die-hard thrash fans will
like it. The big question however is; will it be enough to make a difference?
surely did everything to make it happen, everything is worked out fine and the
more society critical lyrics indicate that the members aren't young snotty
youngsters anymore. Time will tell if they take a step ahead again with this
album, they didn't leave anything to chance... and I will surely listen to this
album with a lot of pleasure and they have my blessing. I am just a big fan of
the old-school thrash style and I take the lack of originality for granted when
it is executed as superb as it is on "Worlds Torn Asunder".