Question; how many metal bands is there that have a name starting with war? If
you found out, just mail it to me. At least the name breaths metal and that is
what we want. Old School Thrash is what this band stands for. No bullshit, just
plain riffs, aggressive singing, fast drumming and.... good songs. You don't
need to invent the wheel again; you just have to make a wheel that is good. This
Texas based 5-piece knows exactly what they do.
Their music is combinations of all the good 80’s thrash bands. 40% Slayer, 30%
Exodus, 20% Metallica and 10% Kreator. The heavy production, howling solos and
for the variation some groove in "Self Will Run Riot" make this a thrash album
that will please you all.
done, for fans of the old school thrash and the more modern wave of fans that
like Warbringer, Evile, Gama Bomb etc. etc. Nice debut that can easily compete
with today's top thrash albums.