you know how it feels to be smashed by the wheels of a Leopard tank? Probably
not, otherwise you would not be able to read this. Cracking bones, splashing
intestines, your skull tearing apart, not the most pleasant sight (or feeling).
The music on this album has about the same effect, but without the blood and the
gore. Devastating 'old school' Swedish death metal, in the style of the likes of
Asphyx, Grave, Autopsy, Carnage, Nihilist and Hail of Bullets. Not for the weak
ex-members of Edge of Sanity, Darkified, Marduk etc. in the line-up you can
expect something demolishing of course. The heavy riffs, the dirty grunt, the
galloping drums; everything can be heard in the songs. This is a band that has
the same effect on me as Hail of Bullets has. Death Metal with no compromises
and destroying everything on its way. The real genre adapts know what to do. Buy
this piece before it destroys itself.