Toronto based progressive
metal act The Android Meme is a strange commodity... basics are founded
in the progressive scene (A Perfect Circle, Zero Hour and Rush) and when they
stay within the confines of progressive rock/metal (does that even exist?) they
manage to do well, but they adds more layers to their sound and do often stray
into the land of electro-pop with bands like Depeche Mode and even Talk Talk
coming to mind.
The title roughly translates
to "order and chaos" and for most parts there are order in the chaos and the
mixture of the many styles work! There are parts that don't sit well with me and
feel a bit misplaced, but the general picture is positive. And with the addition
of a good and well-balanced production we are dealing with a fine album here.
It plays to their advantage
that they are so diverse and sound like no other band and I suggest you give
them a listen, or five because this might not sit with you straight away...