you ever counted the names of bands in your collection that start with the
letter S? I am sure that together with bands that start with M, A, H and T it is
the bigger part. What does this have to do with Stonelake, in fact nothing just
that it is again a band starting with letter S. Stonelake is a Swedish heavy
metal band that has already released 4 albums before this new one.
Musically the new album isn't much different from the last one: Hardrock/heavy
metal with some power metal ingredients and a touch of progressiveness. Singer
Peter Grundström has a decent singing style that fits to the music. Sometimes
his higher voice is bit too high, but that is also a matter of taste. The
guitars are rather heavy, you can conclude that the album has a good over all
production. The songs are not superb, or outstanding for the genre. I would call
this a nice album to listen to, but those girls are ten a penny.