The talented guitarist from the
progressive neo-classical band Adagio, Stéphan Forté release this instrumental
solo album together with, among others, IA Eklundh (Freak Kitchen), Jeff Loomis
(Nevermore) and Glenn Drover (Megadeath). On "The Shadows Compendium" Stéphan
lets all his energy loose and give full rein for his passion in the mixture of
classical music and the rock-hard progressive metal as he normally delivers in
Adagio. Here he skips the vocals and he conveys through a instrumental
performance a feeling of a full music experience with a very high level in the
technical aspects.
The introductory title track is played
with different string instruments and is mixed with dazzling guitar neck
masturbation solos. Along with progressive influences in the bottom it will be
pretty mighty to digest. The Swedish guitar phantom IA Eklund contributes to the
song "De Praestigiis Daemonum" and duels flashes back and forth and geniuses
have really created a playhouse in this one. I will be both intrigued, impressed
and speechless with admiration of the individually talented musicians on the
album. Though after a few listens through, I also get a little tired and would
have liked to hear some singing too. Of course it is my taste in music. "Duat"
is one of the best tracks on the album where a mixture of oriental influences
and classical melodies spices it all up in a metal pace.
If you are a guitar geek and are not
afraid to get an overdose of technical brilliance, this is a disc for you. As
expected, the disc is both well produced and well mixed by Kevin Codfert.