Death Metal from Hungary, not a country known by its many heavy metal bands, but
this is one of the better ones, I guess. Not that they are the best in the
genre, no not yet, but they can at least be placed in the above average section.
The vocals of Gábor B. Melegh are brutal grunting ones and he does quite a good
job there, although he isn't the best around in the genre yet.
style of the band can be compared with Krisiun, Amon Amarth and Melechesh.
Especially the Eastern influences in the song "Recognize" see to the Melechesh
comparison. The track "Millenary Venus" has some industrial Fear Factory kind of
influences in it. Having just one guitar player, the bass backs up the guitar
for a part and the drums vary enough for it not to get too boring. The music has
enough melody, most of the songs are mid-tempo, but they often speed up the
tempo too. In "Nexus" the keyboard has a main role and the use of whispering
vocals, grunting and clean singing make this the most 'different' song. No idea
if this is the new style we can expect from them or just the odd man out.
Enough on this album to enjoy for the general death metal fan, although they are
not yet top-ranking, but they are getting close.