In many ways
I deeply respect those who believe so much in their music and vision that they,
even if the rest of the band abondon them along the way, continue their quest.
It shows a determination that is very metal, and it shows a self-confidence that
many of us could learn from.
There's a flip-side to that coin, of course. There those one-man projects that
are one-man projects simply because it's hard to find someone that'll buy into
the deal. Simply because the quality of the music isn't good enough. This is
probably the case with Plutonium.
Although I can see where Swede J. Carlsson is heading with this industrial
metal, he doesn't quite cut it. Out of the 47 minutes this album lasts, there
are 20 seconds of Carcass inspired slow grind during the title track that make
me go 'yes, that's fucking it!', and, needless to say, that's just not enough.
The rest of the album ranges from being totally boring (Peace Keeper and Hell Is
All Around) to alright, but uneventful blackened thrash metal with an industrial
twist, void of bright, new ideas.
Conclusion: 20 seconds of joy and a funny album title doesn't make a good album.