the song structures/arrangements of Nevermore, the guitar sound of a band like
Korn and the attitude/aggression of Pantera and you have a little idea what to
expect with Need. The vocals are a combination of aggressive harsh, cleaner,
growling and sometimes even whispering ones. In the cleaner parts, Jon V uses a
similar singing style like Warrel Dane, but there is nothing wrong with that in
my opinion. The drums are very tight like we know it from Pantera. That the band
uses more modern sometimes industrial sounds can be heard in the track "Soon".
style progressive metal is a little bit misleading, the music is far from the
Dream Theater sound, but the style is certainly progressive. In several songs
there is a NU metal connection too, but the band adds enough old school metal
riffs to still sound interesting. It is not an album that sticks after a one
time listen; I had to listen to it for quite some times to get to like it. The
variation in styles (metal, prog, grunge, emo, industrial, Nu-metal), the tempo
changes and the rather complex songs see to that. In the last song there is a 2
minute silent part starting at 7 and a half minute. 2 minutes later the music
starts again. So it is not one very long song, but two songs divided by
silence, the reason? We teach you a lesson is silence!
second album from the Greek band Need is quite an interesting product. It's
heavy, it's aggressive, it's variable, it's complex, it has enough softer and
nicer listening parts and the production is good. The album was first released
in Greece in 2010, now the rest of Europe gets the chance to get a copy too.